HertsHour Articles for accelerating your business


Written by Sample HubSpot User | Jul 7, 2015 11:00:00 PM

There's a great quote from a captain of industry who complained because no-one ever commented on his blog. "Whose blog have you commented on recently?" replied his very brave Head of Communications.

Whether you believe karma keeps coming round or not, it's certainly true that those of us who retweet on Twitter are more likely to be retweeted. Comments on Facebook are more likely to result in comments on our own statuses. LinkedIn likes are likely to be repeated.

Got the picture?

For that captain of industry (I'm not naming names),  the connection hadn't quite been made. It has now and he happily comments on blogs he reads.

And so should you. If you comment on mine, I'll do the same to yours. Probably - if they're interesting.

Of course, if blogs are not interesting, that's worthy of a comment, too.

So, get commenting. On here. On our other #HertsHour blogs. On any that you read.

Be brave. Have an opinion and share it (and see what it does to your search engine listings!)